RIL – Feasibility for removal of Infringement at Road Over Bridges for Operation of Double Stack Container (DSC) Trains between Kannalus Junction and Ports of Mundra & Pipavav on Western Railway
Reviewed existing studies and prepared ‘As-built’ drawings of the five ROBs
Conducted an in-depth study of Indian Railway norms regarding the Schedule of Dimensions for operating double stack container trains
Carried out reconnaissance surveys at each of the five ROB locations
Conducted Non-destructive Testing (NDT) on concrete /masonry /abutment /piers /girders
Based on reconnaissance survey and NDT, advised on most feasible engineering solutions for removing infringements at each location including:
Raising the height of abutment and piers
Strengthening of abutment/ piers and foundations
Suitability of re- using existing girders
Constructing new structure at the same location.
Relocating the existing ROB to suitable adjacent location
Assessment whether lowering the track was feasible and prepared the preliminary modified longitudinal section (L- Section) for the track.
Prepared preliminary designs and General Arrangement Drawings for the modified/new ROBs
Prepared a Bill of Quantities and cost estimates for the work to be done at each ROB location