Camalco – Condition Assessment Study- Minim Martap Bauxite Project, Cameroon
- Network Assessment
- Transportation Capacity Optimization
- Workshop Management Plan
- Design of Inland Rail Facility
- Preparation of Financial Model
Canyon Resources through his 100% subsidiary Camalco SA is developing the Bauxite Minim-MartapMining Project (Stage 1: 5Mtpy) including Surface Mining and Mine infrastructure, 50 km haulage road, rail transportation using the existing 800km railways Camrail infrastructure and Douala port to load vessel for Export. In 2022, Canyon Resources prepared a BFS and hired M.R. Technofin Consultants Ltd. to prepare a DFS (Detailed Feasibility Study) for Q1-2025. As ‘DFS’, Camalco SA is looking for a FL3 type Study with a CAPEX/OPEX accuracy of +/- 5% (Classe 1 AAEC) and final technical choices with prices based on commercial proposals from potential suppliers. The philosophy of the project is to undertake the condition assessment utilizing proven simple technologies with the highest reliability and the minimum maintenance of equipment in the context of Western Africa country in a remote place with a limited industrial base providing the lowest Opex and Capex for sustainable operations.
Activities Performed :