Adani Kalinga – Engineering Consultancy Services for Road, Cross Drainage and Bridge Works for Development of Road Connectivity from Tikri Railway Siding to Kutrumali Bauxite Block from Sunger Village of Rayagada District in Odisha
- Collected existing data, review all relevant existing literature, study reports
- Conducted in-depth discussions with key stakeholders (including ACC’s Engineering, Logistics & Plant Team) regarding projected traffic and to inform the planning of loading and unloading of wagons at a suitable location.
- Conducted route identification and selection of ‘optimum’ alignment design of plan and profile (L -Section) of new railway
- Conducted topographical, hydrological and geological studies
- Carried out a reconnaissance survey of the area to establish techno – economically alternative alignments for the Railway Line, including suitable take off points from the main line
- Recommended a suitable operational system for the smooth movement of logistics.
- Prepared Engineering Scale Plan for railways and detailed engineering designs including designs for earthworks, related structures, track, workshops, stations, electrification system, signalling and telecommunications and mechanical works
- Conducted detailed field engineering and prepared all necessary General Arrangement Drawings such as L-Section, Fixing of Alignment, laying of curve on grounds, benchmarking along the alignment, L-Section for earthwork in embankment and cutting, construction drawings for culverts, bridges, etc.
- Prepared drawings for major/minor bridges, culverts with detailed soil investigation and hydraulic study. Design of the embankment to suit local conditions
- Prepared the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) and all technical specifications including preparing detailed estimates for bridges, permanent way material, workshop, stations, mechanical, electrical and other rail infrastructure
- Conducted technical, economic and financial appraisals of different rail-based technologies along with related recommendations that are most suitable for the project.
- Prepared Detailed Project Report (DPR)
- Prepared the Signalling Interlocking Plan (SIP) and obtained approval.
- Prepared the Layout Plan of OHE (LOP)
- Prepared the Detailed Design of S&T
- Prepared the Detailed Design of OHE
- Necessary laisoning and obtained approval from Railways for installation of weigh bridge, track construction and land licensing.
- Prepared tender documents and provided necessary support in the procurement process including technical bid evaluation and reporting.
- Project Management and Construction Supervision
- Established detailed construction /erection methodology, execution plan and work schedule with construction contractors to match with the overall project schedule
- Reviewed and approved work method and procedure in line with contract requirement and engineering practice
- Reviewed and approved the contractor’s designs.
- Finalized the construction code, standards and specifications etc. with construction contracts and engineering standards specifications and approved drawings
- Reviewed construction schedule of contractors and held review meetings to monitor the trend in schedule and progress
- Reviewed site mobilization plan and monitored mobilization of required personnel, resources and equipment
- Checked initial and final level for execution of work
- Prepared monthly progress reports/exception reports highlighting the percentage completion of work, areas of concern with respect to schedule to be deployed.
- Reviewed the Contractor’s construction and quality assurance plan and confirmed its compliance
- Finalized the inspection and test plan
- Audited and approved welding procedures and welder’s qualification procedure
- Arranged and advised on track testing and trial runs
- Organized inspection of completed works
- Monitored safety procedures by construction contractor
- Audited documentation submitted by the construction contractor periodically
- Provided oversight regarding the necessary arrangements for required field inspection and tests
- Submitted inspection procedures for review/approval
- Vetted As-Built Drawings submitted by the contractor
- Provided certification of measurements/milestone progress of site work
- Provided any other activities relevant to construction management
Feasibility Study, DPR, ESP and Detailed Engineering Study and Designs:
Construction Plans & Procedures:
Construction Monitoring
Construction Management & Quality Assurance:
Construction Inspection:
Service/Sub-Service Tag
- Detailed Design
- Detailed Engineering
- Feasibility Study
- Project Management and Construction Supervision
- Site Investigations
- Survey
- Value Engineering